Director of Finance

4th Year | Psychobiology


Linette Choi





Vice President

4th Year | Human Biology & Society

Adrian Lieu

Director of External Affairs

4th Year | Human Biology and Society

Isabelle Ta

4th Year | English

Michaela Kim



Director of Academic Affairs

3rd Year | Human Biology & Society

Isiah Espiritu

Michael rascon

4th Year | Human Biolody & Society

Juan Larson

3rd year | Psychobiology

Nathan Han

4th Year | Psychobiology

Kaden Yang

sam mushinski


4th Year | Psychobiology

ally tran

Director of Internal Affairs

4th Year | Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics

Jordan wang


4th Year | Psychobiology

Madeline Pineda

4th Year | Biochemistry

sean gilliland


sigma CLASS

Director of Philanthropy

3rd Year | Human Biology and Society

ella hou

3rd Year | Human Biology and Society

joyce yang

Co-Director of Fellowship

4th Year | Physiological Sciences

Michael Flores

Co-Director of Fellowship

3rd Year | Psychobiology

tristen leem


3rd Year | Human Biology and Society

Isa Matsubayashi

Co-Director of Archives

3rd Year | Computational Biology

lauren Song

4th Year | Environmental Science and Chinese Language

Samantha Low

Co-Director of Public Relations/ Archives

4th Year | Biology

victoria dao


2nd Year | Pre Human Biology and Society

aishwarya vadivel

Daniel Yuan

4th Year | Biology

samantha tolentino

tau class

Alexandra Butnariu

2nd Year | Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics

enza nikolic

2nd Year | Computational and Systems Biology

sunlan lu

2nd Year | Neuroscience

daniel jeon

4th Year | Psychobiology

Ishan Modi

4th Year | Biochemistry

ryan woo


2nd Year | Psychobiology

alyssa cheung

3rd Year | Psychobiology

JaKE Bright

2nd Year | Pre Human Biology and Society

Kimberly Nguyen

3rd Year | Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology

Stella Wang

Upsilon class

2nd Year | Psychobiology

emiko brown

Co-Director of Recruitment

2nd Year | Pre Human Biology and Society

Jinna Lee

3rd Year | Public Health

Leslie Nguyen

2nd Year | Biology

Taryn Noda

3rd Year | Psychobiology

emily an

2nd Year | Psychobiology

Ken Kwok

2nd Year | Psychobiology

Nina Chessa


1st Year | Neuroscience

alexander chatham

2nd Year | Cognitive Science

kosisochi onwuameze

3rd Year | Psychobiology

sahir eusuff

1st Year | Biochemistry

tanya chhabria

phi class

1st Year | Physiological Sciences

anna cheng

2nd Year | Biochemistry

reese raven barles

1st Year | Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology

satviki chaturvedi

3rd Year | Human Biology and Society

vicky vu

2nd Year | Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology

ashley kim

1st Year | Computational and Systems Biology

riya abiram

3rd Year | Biology

sehaj singh

2nd Year | Marine Biology

walter lee


1st Year | Psychobiology

Alexis jung

1st Year | Neuroscience

Ishita Srivatsan

3rd Year | Computer Science

nathan le

2nd Year | Psychobiology

tyler ho

pSi class

1st Year | Physiological Science

Danielle Marie Donato

2nd Year | Nursing

Kylie cheng

1st Year | Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology

nhu cao

1st Year | Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics

Guadalupe Villicana

3rd Year | Biology

Mariet Ximena Lazcano-Garcia

1st Year | Pre-Human Biology and Society

sneha DOshi